The weather has been unsettled the past few days, with huge gales of wind, erratic showers, and downright chilly temperatures at times. Despite this, spring is charging ahead in Nova Scotia, including at our nursery. The early rhododendrons and deciduous azaleas are starting to bloom, which makes gardeners and bees very happy.

If you have a small property and want to try a tough little rhododendron that gives great colour and is attractive even after its bloom is past, one of our favourites is 'Ramapo.' It's hardy to zone 5 and likes moist, but well drained acidic soil with plenty of organic matter. You can grow this cultivar in sun to partial shade. Expect Ramapo to grow anywhere between 1-3 feet in height, and 2-4 feet wide.

One of the showstoppers at the recent Saltscapes East Coast Expo was the display of tree peonies we had at our booth. Many people could not believe that something this exotically gorgeous could thrive and bloom in Nova Scotia, but it can. Unlike our ordinary herbaceous peonies, this one develops woody branches and trunk and produces huge flowers the size of dinner plates. You have to protect it overwinter for the first couple of years as its roots get established; you do this by putting a large pot over the plant late in the autum, and removing it in early spring once the risk of serious frosts is past.We'll have more to say about these wonderful, exotic plants in a future post.

We have been enlarging our retail area with a few sitting areas and some unique garden art. These give your garden an air of mystery and yet tranquility; I want one home in my own garden but I guess I'll be negotiating a pay settlement. Plants and garden art make great currency to copy writers,Just saying.

Because the weather has been cranky the past few days and it hasn't been so nice for working outside, we've decided to extend Tree Giveaway until of the merry Month o' May. We like to do this to let our clients know we appreciate them. So come down and and visit Baldwin Nurseris, just about 6 kilmetres from the highway. So come on down and visit us to have a look at ourgreat looking nursery stock. We'r sure you'll find a few shrus, a handlfu of perennials, herb and tomato kitchen gardens maybe the perfect tree for your garden. While you're hear, chek out the trees, and ask for your tree donation. You never know what bonus plant might climb into your truck before you leave. It happpens a lot here at Baldwin's.
We have a special on every week here at the nursery:this year it inclues the 'Ramapo' rhododendrons as well as Japanese maple seedlings that Robert has grown on from seed. They're healthy and hardy and only 15.00, the perfect way to test your garden and try these marvelous jewel-toned foliage for yourself. There's plenty new to see every time you visit, and we hope to see you on a regular basis!